SWOOP Analytics Newsletter, November 2023

We've published our ninth annual Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) Benchmarking Report and it's ready to download for FREE NOW!

We’ve analysed more than 23 million Viva Engage interactions from almost five million employees across 97 organizations and conducted a deep analysis into almost 5,000 Viva Engage communities.

We have used this data, combined with extensive research, to shape benchmarks on “what good looks like” for Viva Engage usage, along with tips and practical advice on how to improve employee engagement on Viva Engage.

Key insights from our benchmarking include:

  • Viva Engage readership levels are high, with 85% of all employees reading posts. However, active participation is now at 27%, meaning 58% of employees are reading but not participating in Viva Engage conversations.
  • With an active participation rate of 27% there is a strong opportunity to bring all employees into the online conversation and collaboration environment. People need to be appropriately skilled to be able to sustain connections and relationships online.
  • For the first time in nine years of Viva Engage and Yammer benchmarking, a large size organisation was ranked as the highest performing Viva Engage network, proving any size organisation is capable of achieving true connection and engagement through Viva Engage.
  • More people are bringing colleagues into conversations by @mentioning them in Viva Engage conversations, and there has been a growth in the number of Responder personas, which confirms more people are replying to posts. However, there is a smaller cohort of colleagues initiating conversations with the percentage of Engager and Catalyst personas dropping, and the Influencer Risk Score increasing, meaning there is a reliance on a smaller number of people across the Viva Engage network.
  • People are asking fewer questions on Viva Engage and there has been a drop in conversation threads per user, which is a sign broad-based knowledge sharing is slowing.

Read this report to learn how you can achieve employee engagement, connection and communication through Viva Engage.

Join our Viva Engage Benchmarking Report briefing webinars

We'd love you to join our webinar briefings to walk you through the key findings from our Viva Engage benchmarking analysis.

We'll discuss how you can use the data to improve engagement on your Viva Engage network, and you'll learn how to become a Viva Engage influencer in a month!

🕰️ APAC/Americas west coast: Tuesday, November 21 11am AEDT/1pm NZDT/Monday, November 20 4pm US PST
🕰️ EMEA/Americas east coast: Tuesday, November 21 2pm UK/3pm CET/9am US East Coast
Join the Viva Engage Festival on Wednesday, December 6

We're less than a month away from the third annual Viva Engage Festival! Be inspired by real-life stories of how organisations have launched Viva Engage, the hiccups they've encountered along the way, and how they've successfully engaged employees and leaders.

Our line-up of speakers includes multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate Comcast, UN refugee agency UNHCR, Australian state government department Transport for NSW, pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson, New Zealand postal service NZ Post, Australia's largest insurer IAG, multinational bank ANZ and Danish sustainable energy company Vestas.

We have three events running across the globe so there's a session in your time zone, or join all three!
🕰️Americas - 12pm ET | 11am CT | 9am PT
🕰️EMEA - 9am UK | 10am Europe
🕰️APAC - 12pm AEDT | 9am Singapore

Nominate your Viva Engage community champion!

Do you have a shining star in your Viva Engage network? We're on a mission to find the world's best Viva Engage Community Champions for 2023.

Can you think of someone who brings passion and enthusiasm to your Viva Engage network? It might be someone working in a call centre, in a shopfront, or an executive leader, or a dedicated community manager?

Tell us a little bit about this person and they'll be in the running for the 2023 Viva Engage Community Champion award.
Seeing how you work, changes how you work

That’s why we offer a free demo of SWOOP for Microsoft Teams, SWOOP for M365, SWOOP for Viva Engage, SWOOP for SharePoint intranet and SWOOP for Workplace from Meta, using your own data. It’s the only way to really see what’s going on in your organisation.

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